Vermont Compost Perennial Blend Large Container & Raised Bed Mix - 40 Qt Bag
- Organic Status - Approved by VOF
Perennial Blend Mix made by Vermont Compost Company is formulated for organic growing in large pots, containers and beds where a coarse texture is preferred. The Perennial Blend is well-suited for woody plants, shrubs, herbs, perennials and for use as mulch in vegetable and flower beds. Highly recommended if you need a complete soil to fill a raised bed.
Blended from composted manure and bark, blonde horticultural grade sphagnum peat moss, crushed and screened granite and basalt, blood meal, kelp meal, steamed bone meal, mined gypsum, vermiculite (a mica mineral expanded by fire), washed coconut coir, herbs (biodynamic preparations).
Pot Filling ChartPrep For Use: No prep necessary. Keep moist in beds, planters, and containers.
Handling: Avoid drastic changes in moisture/saturation. Store under cover, out of direct sunlight. Protect from weed seed, petroleum products, and other contaminants.
Supplemental Fertility: Usually, no additional fertility is required. If roots have filled the container and fertility is needed, top-dress with Compost Plus and water in.
Storage and Shelf Life: Store in a neutral environment which encourages moisture retention and protects from UV light. For optimal performance of living soil we suggest using it within 8-12 months from date of purchase.
Suitability for Certified Organic Production: All ingredients used in Vermont Compost products have been approved for certified organic production. Our composting process meets the National Organic Program (NOP) standard requirements and our products are approved by Vermont Organic Farmers (VOF), the certification branch of NOFA-VT.