Ferti Fulvic Plus (90% Fulvic Acid) - 50 lb Bag
Ferti Fulvic Plus is derived from peat and other plants with a minimum 90% content of organic fulvic acid. It's highly soluble. It chelates mineral...
View full detailsAgro Lig Granular Humic Acids - 50 lb Bag
Agro-Lig is a granular humic acid (65%) from leonardite used to improve soil. It is very effective in soils with low fertility, low organic matter,...
View full detailsFerti-Organic Soluble Humic Acid - 50 lb Bag
From Ferti-Organic, an organic, dark black humate derived from leonardite, with a 60% minimum humate content. Helps break compacted soils, allowing...
View full detailsHumic DG - 40 lb Bag
The Andersons brand Humic DG is an easy flow micro-pelletized humic acid (70%). Humic DG is a mix of humic acid percursor, fulvic acid, humic acid,...
View full detailsFerti Fulvic Plus (90% Fulvic Acid) - 5 lb Bag
Derived from plants with a 90% (min.) content of organic fulvic acid. Its chelating effect, physiological and biological activity give the plant m...
View full detailsFerti-Organic Soluble Humic Acid - 5 lb Bag
From Ferti-Organic, an organic, dark black humate derived from leonardite, with a 60% minimum humate content. Helps break compacted soils, allowing...
View full detailsTRIGGRR (0-0-1) - 1 Gal
Liquid concentrate derived from kelp and plant extracts and contains 0.45% humic acid. Use it to increase water and micronutrient uptake, as a foli...
View full detailsActosol Organic Biostimulant - 2.5 Gallon
An organic biostimulant which improves stress tolerance and water retention, enhances chelating of plant nutrients and stimulates root mass and pla...
View full detailsHumax 12% from JH Biotech - Gallon
Humax is a concentrated liquid humic acid extracted from leonardite for foliar or soil applications. It will chelate nutrients for more efficient n...
View full detailsFulmax 3% Liquid Fulvic Acid - 1 Gallon
Fulmax® contains fulvic acid extracted from leonardite. It can be applied as a soil and/or foliar application to improve nutrient availability, sti...
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