Insect Controls - Mineral & Botanical
Naturally derived pest control materials.
Pest Out - Natural Pesticide - 1 Gallon
Pest Out is a safe, long lasting organic pest control that can protect your crops all season, up to and including the day of harvest. This natural ...
View full detailsM Pede Insecticide/Miticide/Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon
M-Pede is an insecticidal soap that provides excellent contact control of various soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their l...
View full detailsCinnaction - 1 Quart
Cinnaction is a cinnamon oil based, natural formulation with a strong biofungicidal and bioacaricidal action against powdery mildew and mites. Pro...
View full detailsThymic - 1 Quart
Thymic is a 10% thyme oil broad-spectrum insecticide, fungicide and bactericide used to control insect and nematode pests, and fungal and bacterial...
View full detailsFerti-Organic Ferti-Neem Oil - 1 Gallon
100% cold-pressed, filtered neem oil labeled for insect, mite, fungal disease and nematode control. Contains 3000 ppm azadirachtin, the active comp...
View full detailsDeBug Turbo - 1 Quart
DeBug is MGK's line of effective multi-purpose pest/disease controls based on varying concentrations of cold-pressed neem oil and azadirachtin. All...
View full detailsDeBug Turbo - 1 Gallon
DeBug is MGK's line of effective multi-purpose pest/disease controls based on varying concentrations of cold-pressed neem oil and azadirachtin. All...
View full detailsDeBug On - 2.5 Gallons
DeBug is MGK's line of effective multi-purpose pest/disease controls based on varying concentrations of cold-pressed neem oil and azadirachtin. All...
View full detailsDeBug Optimo - 1 Gallon
DeBug is MGK's line of effective multi-purpose pest/disease controls based on varying concentrations of cold-pressed neem oil and azadirachtin. All...
View full detailsAtrevia 3.0% SL - 1 Quart
Azadirachtin is the most active insecticidal component found in neem seeds. It works on contact or by ingestion, by repelling insects, deterring in...
View full detailsAtrevia 3.0% SL - 1 Gallon
Azadirachtin is the most active insecticidal component found in neem seeds. It works on contact or by ingestion, by repelling insects, deterring in...
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