PerCarb Sodium Carbonate SG - 50 lb Bag
- Organic Status - OMRI Listed
This broad spectrum bactericide/fungicide is a great replacement for REX LIME SULFUR. PerCarb is EPA-registered to treat and control plant pathogens that cause major foliar diseases on field grown crops, tree crops, berries, small fruits and vine crops. Soluble granule (SG), white crystalline micro granules for easy mixing, sulfur alternative, no mess or odor with superior coverage. For use in foliar or dormant spray applications, spray year-round for total control. Controls Botrytis, Downy and Powdery Mildew on contact. Non-residual chemistry. No phytotoxicity at labeled rates.
WHAT IS PERCARB’S MODE OF ACTION? PerCarb works by destructing the cellular macromolecules of bacterial and fungal pathogen cells upon contact. Powered by a hydrogen peroxide infused granular, PerCarb also plays a preventative role by inhibiting development of fungal mycelium and spores through changes in pH and osmotic pressure of the microbial cells.
0-hour re-entry (REI) for non-aerosol uses, 1-hour re-entry (REI) for aerosol applications in enclosed spaces, no re-entry (REI) until dry in field; 0-day pre-harvest interval (PHI).
PerCarb can only be shipped to the lower 48.
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